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Study or training
Employees aged 16 or 17 who have not achieved a certain standard in their education or training have the right to reasonable time off with pay to study or train for a relevant qualification which will help them towards that standard.
Job Hunting or to Arrange Training when Facing Redundancy
An employee who is being made redundant and who has been continuously employed by the same employer for at least two years is entitled, whilst under notice, to take reasonable time off with pay within working hours to look for another job, or to make arrangements for training for future employment.
Disciplinary or grievance hearings
Workers have the right to take paid time off during working hours to accompany fellow workers employed by the same employer to certain disciplinary and grievance hearings.
Employers are legally obliged to provide employees with an itemised pay statement. These are usually called payslips or wage slips.
Disciplinary procedures
Disciplinary procedures are used for dealing with problems with employees' conduct or their performance, which could lead to warnings or dismissal.
Statutory Paternity Pay
When your wife, partner or civil partner gives birth or adopts a child, you may be entitled to Statutory Paternity Pay.
Personal grievances
Grievances are concerns, problems or complaints that employees may raise with their employers.
Misconduct and gross misconduct
Disciplinary issues arise when the employer has concerns about an employee’s conduct, absence from work or the way they are performing in their job. They may start a disciplinary procedure which could lead to disciplinary action (including dismissal in more serious cases).
Employee representatives
Employees who act as representatives for consultation about redundancies or business transfers, or are candidates to be representatives of this kind, are entitled to reasonable time off with pay during working hours to perform these functions and to receive appropriate training.
Details a written statement must contain
Employers are required to provide employees with a written statement of particulars of employment within two months of the commencement of employment.