Flexible Working - The Law and Good Practice - A Guide for Employers

This publication is divided into three main parts:

Part 1

This Part is a guide to good practice. It describes the reasonably practical steps (including the “do’s and don’ts”) which the Equality Commission recommends that employers should take in order to promote equality of opportunity in employment and to comply with the laws relating to flexible working. Part 1 does not describe in detail the underlying legal provisions and principles that regulate the subject and upon which the good practice recommendations are based. Those matters are described in Part 2.


Part 2

This Part sets out and explains the underlying legal provisions and principles which underpin the good practice recommendations made in Part 1.



These contain some additional information such as a classification of different types of flexible working arrangements and information about other sources of information and advice.

Further information and help

If you require further information or help with this publication please contact us

Last updated: 14 September 2019